I met a person. He was unlike others I met. The first time I encountered him when he offered me a ride to my airbnb housing in Australia. This was not unusual for me to be offered a ride from the Buddhist center, so I did not put too much thought into it. He was strangely quiet despite me being overly talkative. He would give me short answers to every question. He said he was not really Buddhist. Although I did see him volunteer at the center for IT work and cleaning the kitchen after feeding the monks. He would also usually try to get into the queue to eat food last. He also offered to give me a lift to the monastery for my retreat. After the retreat I got to meet his friend and therefore see him a bit more. We spent quite some time together in the kitchen, but spoke no more than a few hundred words to each other. Unlike most people, I did not feel the need to speak when he was around. I think we understood each other. I still do not know much about him, nor do I think his past matters all that much. It is just a story, a shadow that no longer represents him. What I know is what I saw, he was giving, caring, peaceful, kind and wise.
I find his silence inspiring in a way, he does not have the need to speak or answer questions in a meaningful manner. He does not defend himself or his actions. He does not indulge in speaking from ego or being right. He just speaks when appropriate to do so. These are just my impressions of a person who practices right speech. I learn…